Best School Management System Software - PValue Buddy School
What is PValue Buddy School and Campus Management Software?
PValue Buddy School and Campus management software is a powerful solution that allows campuses to go digital and optimize time-consuming administrative operations on a single platform by incorporating automation. Our Buddy School and Campus management software is cloud-based and equipped with cutting-edge technologies such as a fully functional responsive website and mighty user control, which is why it makes it one of the most preferred, best School and Campus Management Software and most trusted Buddy School and Campus management systems in India, particularly in Kerala, Bangalore, Karnataka, and Maharashtra.
Where is PValue Buddy school and Campus Management System used?
School and Campus Management software is designed as a system for managing all administrative tasks in schools, colleges and other private institutions. It includes numerous modules that assist teachers and staff in maintaining student activities such as daily attendance, timetable management, managing academic records, fees management, student assessments, and so on. So, wherever it is required, we can manage it by utilizing PValue Buddy School Management System Software and Campus Management Software.
Why PValue Buddy School and Campus Management Software?
Benefits of PValue Buddy School and Campus Management Software to Management
PValue Buddy School Management System Software and Campus offers exceptional Management Dashboard and data reporting functions, as well as a dynamic access permissions mechanism, which is a boon to management staff. Having a dynamic system with a birds-eye perspective of data and reports can give the principal or management person a new degree of power and speed in decision-making.
Benefits of PValue Buddy School and Campus Management Software to teachers and staff
Access to the School and Campus Management System dashboard and web App increases the productivity of both academic and non-academic workers. Having the ability to report key system activity minimises burden and enhances communication speed. Keeping data records and having access to data when needed makes their lives much easier.
Benefits of PValue Buddy School and Campus Management Software to students and parents
The PValue Buddy School and Campus system's web app and web access make students' and parents' lives much easier. Accessing all of the critical information on an app dashboard increases overall School and Campus connectivity. It improves students' learning outcomes. Getting access to learning resources on the app and system allows the student to learn whenever and wherever he or she wants, at his or her own speed.
When to implement PValue Buddy School and Campus Management Software?
Due to the pandemic, the education sector was forced to work remotely. This is the major situation when we need to implement school management software. Other than that the following checklist also will help you understand the need of implementing School and Campus Management Software
What features have PValue Buddy School and Campus Management software that is different from others in the market?
Color, Design, Customization:
We took special care because the appearance is important to the people who will be using them. You can change the colour of the system to the theme colour of your school and also options to change some design and add some fields are there in the settings. We pinpointed some areas which generally cause trouble during customizing these systems. We tried to make the process as easy as possible.
The documentation guide is fairly comprehensive and is divided into manageable sections. From novice to advanced users, this documentation guide should be sufficient to get the system up and running. We are constantly updating it to cover all of your potential needs.
Free Training:
We provide free training on Pvalue Buddy school and Campus Management Software after its purchase all the staff members can attend the meeting along with the management representatives. We will answer all your questions and also give a hands -on experience.
Right from the moment of your purchase,
1. We will train you to attain the capability of being in this system. You will also be guided by our Comprehensive Documentation guide and video guidance to get the process up and running.
2. You will receive the award-winning after-sales service from the PValue team. Your every issue (even the smallest technical details) is equally important to us as we work tirelessly to improve this platform every day.
3. With this platform this solid and the after-sale service that comes along with it, you have nothing to lose. We provide value for every penny we take.
What features have PValue Buddy School and Campus Management Software that are different from other schools and Campus Management Software in India?
Features Module:
Lesson Plan, Chat Module, Menu Manager, Admin Section, Student Info, Academics, Study Materials, Fees Collections, Accounts, Human Resource, Leave Management, Examination, Online Examination, Home Work, Communication, Library, Inventory, Transportation, Dormitory, Reports, Role and Permission, System Setting, Style, Website Setting, One-click Update.
Teacher Panel Features:
Add Homework, Evaluation Report, Upload Content, Assignments, Study Material, Syllabus, Other Downloads, Teacher, Managing students, Managing exam marks, Managing attendance.
Parents Panel Features:
Get children marks, Get children payment invoices, Get children class routine, Messaging with teachers, Child's attendance tracking.
Student Panel Features:
Get class routine, Get exam marks, Get attendance status, Get study materials/files from the teacher, Get payment invoices, pay online, Communicate with teacher, Online Exam.
Admin Section:
Admission Query, Visitor Book, Phone Call Log, Postal Receive, Postal Dispatch, Complaint, Admin Setup, Student Certificate, Generate Certificate, Student ID Card, Generate ID Card.
Student Info:
Student Category, Add Student, Student List, Student Attendance, Student Attendance Report, Subject Wise Attendance, Subject Wise Attendance Report, Student Group, Student Promote, Disable Student, Academics, Optional Subject, Section, Class, Subject, Assign Class Teacher, Assign Subject, Class Room, Class Time Setup, Class Routine, Study Material, Upload Content, Assignment, Syllabus, Other Download, PDF View, Image Preview, Video Preview, Upload support: jpg,png,jpeg,pdf,doc,docx,mp4,mp3.
Lesson Plan: Lesson, Topic, Topic OverView, Lesson Plan, Lesson Plan Overview, Can create multiple sections at a time, Student Panel.
Fees Collection:
Fees Group, Fees Type, Fees Master, Fees Discount, Collect Fee, Search Fees Payment, Search Fees Dues, Bank Payment, Fees Carry Forward, Report, Collection Report, Monthly Collection Report.
Account Dashboard, Profit, Income, Expense, Search, Account List, Payment Method, Bank Account, Payment History.
Human Resource:
Staff Directory, Staff Attendance, Staff Attendance Report, Payroll, Payroll Report.
Marks Grade, Exam Time, Exam Type, Exam Setup, Exam Schedule, Exam Attendance, Mark Register, Send Mark by SMS, Exam Setup role: Final Mark from multiple Exam, Format Setting,
Online Exam:
Marks Grade, Question Bank, Multiple Choice, True False, Fill in the Blank, Online Exam.
Add Home Work, Home Work List, Home Work Evaluation Report.
Notice Board, Send Massage, Send Email/Sms, Email/Sms, Event notice, Event Logs, Holiday notice.
Add Book Book List, Add Member, Member listing & manage, Book category/list, Issue/Return Book, All Issued Book, Card issuing,
Item Category, Item List, Item Store, Supplier, Item Receive, Item Receive List, Item Sell, Item Issue,
Routes, Vehicle, Assign Vehicle, Student Transport Report, Schedule/Routine.
Dormitory Rooms, Dormitory, Room Type, Rooms monitoring, Student Dormitory Report.
Student Report, Guardian Report, Student History, Student Login Report, Fees Statement, Balance Fees Report, Class Report, Class Routine, Exam Routine, Teacher Class Routine, Merit List Report, Online Exam Report, Mark Sheet Report, Tabulation Sheet Report, Progress Card Report, User Log, Previous Result, Previous Record.
Website Management
Header Menu Manager, Home Page, News Heading, News Category, News List, Course Heading, Course Details Heading, Course Category, Course List, Testimonial, Contact Page, Contact Message, About Us, Social Media, Page – Create, unlimited pages, Footer Widget.
Our cloud-based School and Campus management system special features:
Optimized Performance, Fully Responsive, E-mail notification with templates, Supports SMS notification gateway, Printable Reports, Powerful permission editor, Flexible fee structure, Details students & staff Profile, Student attended, Unmatched transport module, A complete digital library system